DevelopmenTwist is a 5 page blog..........

On 'change' in 'development'.

DevelopmenTwist began when another long and circuitous discussion on 'Development' percolated down to a provoking question - in the struggle for big things, are we neglecting those small and fundamental aspects/values that subtly define our course and its impact on the future?

And it grew... with my incredulity at how large and fast expanding is the stack of information on 'development' related topics on the web.

  • Key words 'social development' returns 618,000,000 finds on google & 128,000,000 on yahoo search.
  • Type in 'Philanthropy' and there are 61,400,000 hits to choose from on google and 11,200,000 on yahoo.
  • Those who search to 'volunteer' are inundated with 112,000,000 options on yahoo and 402,000,000 on google!

How many of us have the time to surf for 'Interesting Content' beyond the 7th page?

Suspecting that a lot of relevant and innovative information might be still unknown to a majority of us...........DevelopmenTwist evolved with the desire to identify these materials, point people to them and organize the wonderful but not-so-well-known links on to a page.

Use the Links on the Right to navigate thru pages of the DevelopmenTwist Trail